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our TEAM

Mob : 09820465195
Email : alwyn.co@gmail.com
B.B.M (Bachelor In Business Management) from Mangalore University, Karnataka.
B.G.L (Bachelor In General Laws) from Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI).
F.C.S (Fellow Company Secretary) from Institute of Company Secretaries of India , New Delhi.
A Fellow member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India having 20 years of wide experience in corporate secretarial filed and specialized in handling the Corporate Law Matters, Conducting Due Diligence, Proxy verification and Scrutiny and acted as Independent Scrutinizer for various Listed Entities especially for Court Convened Meetings, Merger Meetings and Postal Ballot Process.

JAY D'SOUZA- Partner
Mob : 09819334743
Email : dsouza.jay@gmail.com
M.Com (Master of Commerce) Bombay University, India.
LL.B (Bachelor of Laws) Bombay University, India.
F.C.S. (Fellow Company Secretary) from Institute of Company Secretaries of India , New Delhi.
I.C.M.A (The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of India. (Associate Member).
A.C.I.S (The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, London, U.K, (Associate Member).
A Fellow member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India having 25 years of wide experience in Industry as well as a Company Secretary in Practice and specialized in handling the Corporate Restructuring, Taxation, joint ventures, foreign collaborations, Inbound and Outbound Investments, Corporate Law and FEMA matters.

Mob : 09833402088
Email : csrondmello@gmail.com
B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) Mangalore University, India.
LL.B (Bachelor of Laws) Bombay University, India.
F.C.S (Fellow Company Secretary) from Institute of Company Secretaries of India , New Delhi.
A.C.I.S (The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, London, U.K, (Associate Member).
C.F.A (Inter) & DFM (Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI)).
A Fellow member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India having 25 years of wide experience in Industry as well as a Company Secretary in Practice and specialized in handling the Corporate Laws, Contract Management and Compliance, Regulatory Compliance, Governance Practice, M&A due diligence and documentation.

Mob : 09930021463
Email : vijaysonone@gmail.com
B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) from Mumbai University.
LL.M (Master in Laws) from Mumbai University.
F.C.S (Fellow Company Secretary) from Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi
A Fellow member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India having 10 years of wide experience in corporate secretarial field and specialized in handling the Corporate Law Matters.
Mr. Binod - B.Com, CS  ; Mob : 09011670689
Ms.Shweta - B.Com, M.Com, LL.B, FCS ; Mob : 09867555830-Associate
Mr. Joy Dsouza- B Com, CS : Mob : 09632928426
Ms. Shanell Lobo- B Com, CS  Mob: 9096134836
Mr.Krishnakant - B.A ; Mob : 08879796777
Ms.Resheal - B. Com, CS (Inter) ; Mob : 09663637269
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